Holiday Luncheon, December 2023

The 2023 Holiday Party, held at the R.H. Johnson Social Hall, had more than 160 members in
attendance. The party was co-hosted by Carla Bonifasi and Jan Berndt who worked with their
team of “elves” to make it a special event.

The Team of Elves (L to R): Carla Bonifasi,
Nancy Kemp, Jodi Davila, Fran Elliot, Mary
Rogers, Jan Berndt, Jerry Gauerke, Kathy
Zeman, and Mary Henderson.

The catered luncheon was a hit and was enjoyed
by all the members in attendance.

To thank her for her many years of service to PVP,
Past President Nancy Steely presented Dori Miller
with a quilt made by members. Dori retired from
the Rec Center at the end of the year.

Carol Reinstein won the Featherweight raffle.
The machine was donated by a member as a
way for the club to make money. Carol was
on Grand Jury duty and could not attend the
party so the machine was delivered to her
later in the day.

Margaret Simmons (R) was named as the Quilter of
the Year, an honor bestowed by the members. The
award was presented by the 2022 Quilter of the
Year, Mary Roberts (L). Margaret, who is a past VP of
Classes, co-leads the Mod Squad Rebels special
interest group, designed the club’s Website, writes a
weekly newsletter, and designed the club’s

Holiday Luncheon, December 2022

More than 160 PVP members attended the annual Holiday Luncheon event, held at the Briarwood Country Club and co-chaired by Carla Bonifasi and Jan Berndt. Mary Roberts was honored as the Quilter of the Year for her outstanding service to the club through her involvement with Honor Quilts and the Embroidery by Machine Special Interest Group. The award was presented by two prior Quilter of the Year honorees. Outgoing president Nancy Steely received a money tree from members as a token of their thanks for Nancy’s leadership over the last two years. The top three winners of the annual Ugly Sweater contest were revealed and awarded prizes. The donated sewing machine was won by Connie Dennington. All proceeds from the raffle were designated for the club’s charitable causes.

Quilter of the Year
L-R: Linda Gagnon, Mary Roberts, and Kathleen McCulloch.

Money Tree Presentation
L-R: Linda Gagnon, Nancy Steely

Ugly Sweater Contest
L-R: Kimber Bellis, 3rd place, Lonnie Moore, 2nd place, and Patricia Reichelt, 1st place.

Sewing Machine Raffle
L-R: Winner Connie Dennington and Kathleen McCulloch

Holiday Luncheon Team

Click HERE to view a slideshow of the event.